Jakub has always been fascinated by nature. He decided to pursue an academic career in economics rather than environmental studies because he thought that, as an economist, he could have a significant impact on nature conservation. This is how he became an ecological economist and a sustainability scientist. His specific research interest in environmental values allowed him to combine his personal interest in birds and his professional interest in economics. He is interested in how people interact with nature and how the different conservation arguments result from the broader socio-economic setting within which they are expressed. Associate Professor at the Social-Ecological Systems Analysis Lab, University of Lodz, and Visiting Scholar in the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Philosopher of nature and friend of the University of Lodz. Core to Erik’s research has always been natural resources management, with a focus on understanding and promoting sustainable use and governance of different landscapes and the many functions they may carry, from biodiversity support to more anthropogenic ‘services’. Nested within these broader frames, he has a particular interest in understanding how people relate to birds and how birds perceive and respond to both people, directly, and the many landscape effects caused by diverse human activities. He has experience in systems and landscape ecology, geography, urban studies, landscape governance, participatory transdisciplinary research, review and interdisciplinary synthesis work, among other things. Professor in Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme, University of Helsinki.
Social scientist specializing in human geography and ecological economics. She is constantly fascinated by exploring and linking various quantitative approaches to better understand human-nature relations. Her research focuses on how people perceive and value nature, primarily in urban contexts. She has experience in environmental justice, urban morphology, and environmental valuation. Associate Professor in the Social-Ecological Systems Analysis Lab, University of Lodz, and Associate Editor of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.
Conservation social scientist with a range of research interests around the central theme of biodiversity conservation and its relationship with society. His current research investigates (i) the relationship between conservation and development in theory and practice, (ii) the values and viewpoints of conservationists and how these influence conservation action, and (iii) the social and political implications of digital technologies for conservation. He has worked extensively on the role of market-based instruments and associated narratives in conservation, and on the extent to which these ideas are genuinely supported by conservationists or rather deployed tactically as pragmatic tools for particular audiences. Professor of Conservation & Society, University of Cambridge.
Postdoc to join the team from summer 2025

Would you like to join our team as a postdoc for 3 years, starting from summer 2025? Postdoc will be primarily responsible for quantitative analysis within the project and for the processing of survey data. A successful candidate should have research experience in the field of social science and in the use of quantitative methods of analysis. Prior experience in studying environmental values and GIS-based software would be important advantages. Fluent English language in speaking and writing. Good publication record. Please get in touch for informal inquiries.